Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The "High Scale": How High Are You?

This scale is to be taken humorously as well as give you a relative idea of what you would feel on a certain scale. Remember, everyone’s tolerance varies and this is to be taken mostly as a joke. Enjoy!

Sober still. No “funny feelings” yet. Smoke up, man.

Beginning of “funny feelings”. Mild muscle and mind relaxation

It’s kicking in, man. Random thoughts may surface. Seeking comfort, increased relaxation

It’s working man. Random thoughts become common. Increased appreciation of comfort, food, music and more.

Still rising, man. Weird muscle feeling may appear. For some, couch lock may set in already at this point. Music will start to sound much better. Thought patterns may start to transform. Mind images will start to clarify. Very mild closed eye visuals. Newcomers are blown away already at this point, they probably didn’t expect anything like this. But it’s good man. Relax.

Good shit, man. Couch lock may become common if smoking an indica but sativas will be causing energy and euphoria. Thought patterns have changed quite a lot. Weird muscle feelings become common. Everything is amplified. Concentration is starting to be affected. You may experience zooming out into somewhere only you inhabit for small periods of time. Newcomers may start to freak out but it’s all good man. Chill. Relax.

Thought patterns change radically. All feelings, thoughts, and senses are amplified, extended, deepened. Concentration is difficult for advanced tasks. Couch lock is almost a rule with indicas, but experienced smokers can still operate, which means getting food. Sativas will have your mind racing with ideas and creativity. Psychedelic feelings begin.

At this point, you’re pretty fucking smashed, dude. Dissociation may kick in for longer periods of time. Even experienced smokers probably just lie down at this point. Losing yourself in thought becomes easy. Some people may feel very tired. Radically transformed thought flow, starting to feel like a psychedelic experience. Newcomers more likely to freak out unless they have a strong sense of self control.

Well now, you’re starting to be very dissociated and may find keeping your eyes open difficult. Closed eye visuals are very common and may be intense, you may find yourself lost in them easily. Hearing sounds becomes slightly common

You’re gone, lost in thought. Falling asleep becomes very easy. Concentration is almost impossible to muster up, even for very simple tasks such as opening your mouth. Everything that your senses receive is put through a million amplifiers and distortion pedals, what you receive is probably not your friends saying, “let’s stick a carrot up his ass”, more like, “HURR DURR DERP”

The level of highness becomes so mother fucking that most people fall asleep, those who stay conscious may not remember much of their trip. What you experience can be compared to a good deal of strong psychedelics. Good shit man!

[Holy Mother Fucking High]
The rarest and most sacred of all highs, achieved only by a select few grand-masters across the millennia. The specific effects of such a high are unknown, but it is said that achievers may never return to the local galactic cluster again.

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