Tuesday, March 11, 2014

DIY: Hash/Hashish

Hash is a very potent cannabis product. It is THC in one of its highest concentrated forms and very little is needed to have you feeling its effects. It is made using the pollen or kief or trichromes of the cannabis plant and forming it into a solid mass. It is then easier to burn and a lot more potent than the buds are. There are many, many different ways of making hash, each producing a slightly different type and quality of hash. Today I am just going to go over simple "5-minute hash". Now don't let the name "5-minute hash" fool you. I had someone pass out right after a hit of it and smash right through a glass table. Know your limits and take little bits at a time.

Where do you get the kief? The easiest way is to get a 4 piece grinder with a keif catcher chamber in the very bottom. As you grind your herb and move the contents about, it will naturally lose some of the kief and it will then collect in the bottom chamber. In addition to that, many people add nickels or small items of similar weight and size into the herb chamber of the grinder and shake it up a bit to knock even more kief off.

What you need:
  • Kief
  • Small pot of water 
  • Foil 
  • Wax paper or heat resistant plastic baggie
  • Hard book or other hard object to press
Step 1: Get the kief collected and put it into a foil/wax pouch Seal well!
Step 2: Bring a pot of water on the stove to a boil.
Step 3: Dip bag into the boiling water( holding it with tongs) for about 7-15 seconds. Then take it out.
Step 4: Immediately after you take the hash out put it under a book and squish it.
Step 5: Repeat this as many times as you want depending on how pressed you want it.
Step 6: Take out the hash from the bag and there you will have a little hash patty :)
Step 7: Waving foil pouch quickly over open flame and repeating steps 4 & 5 until desired consistency is reached

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